Tony Sayegh and Ed Butowsky State of the Union Ellen Ratner / Talk Radio News Service

Waiting for election results bottom right Tony SayeghEllen Ratner – left of Tony Sayegh Tony Sayegh and Ed Butowsky State of the Union Anthony Sayegh (Tony Elias Sayegh). Diane Gooche Talk Radio News / Talk Media News Sporting contributions from 128 individuals, Rumson newspaper publisher Diane Gooch today reported raising $272,137.13, and spending $30,351.01, leaving […]

Chapwood’s Butowsky Joins Core Resource Board

Chapwood’s Butowsky Joins Core Resource Board   Ed Butowsky promoted CORE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INC. including a video (720 investor) on youtube. Butowsky never disclosed he was a board member or that he had Beneficial Ownership in the Company. History of Core Resource  Core Resource Management, Inc. (formerly known as Direct […]

Ed wants more Air Time on Fox

Please watch my friend and Business Partner Tres Knippa explains why Butowsky should be on Fox Tres Knippa, a former CME trader, was one of nine fraudsters arrested in a $131 million stock manipulation scheme. Knippa had appeared on Fox Tv’s Varney and Co recommending ForceField stock in exchange for […]